Object & Attractive Tour/Monument/Joko Dolog Statue |
Joko Dolog Statue
According to a legend, it was erected in the year 1211 Caka or 1289 AD in Wurare graveyard (Lemahtulis) as the strage of Mpu Bharadah or in Kedungwulan vilage near Nganjuk regency East Java. The aim of setting up the statue was to honour Kertanegara son of Wisnu Wardana, the king of Singosari at that time. He was well known for his good deeds, great knowledge of yurisprudence and his loyalty to Budha with the idea of one united Indonesian nation. Another legend said that Kertanegara built the statue in order to netralize a curse which would prevent him from uniting several seperates kingdom at his time. Recording to Resident of Surabaya, Joko Dolog statue was originally from elephant cage. In 1827 after chrismast, the Dutch Indies goverment in regent of De Salls Residen moved the statue to Surabaya and set it at the present of taman Apsari, where it is regularly visited by people praying homage and expressing their wishes to be fulfilled. Located at Taman Apsari street - Central Surabaya with a vast parking place.
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